
Fire Marshal

responsible for enforcing the township fire code and certain local ordinances which pertain to fire safety.

The Office of the Fire Marshal is staffed by a full-time Fire Marshal who also serves as the Chief of the Dept. of Fire Rescue and the Emergency Management Director, 7 Full-time Firefighters/Fire Inspectors/EMTs (one of which also serves as the Deputy Fire Marshal) and a full time Administrative Assistant/Fire Inspector/EMT. These same employees also make up the Department of Fire Rescue and the Office of Emergency Management.

The Office of the Fire Marshal is responsible for enforcing the township fire code and certain local ordinances which pertain to fire safety. The primary method for enforcing the township fire code is the annual fire safety inspections performed in every commercial and industrial building, as well as schools and apartment buildings. The Firefighters/Fire Inspectors/EMTs also perform annual fire safety inspections of all individual apartments within the apartment complexes. In addition, the Fire Marshal reviews all non-residential construction plans, as they pertain to the installation of fire detection and suppression systems, as well as life safety issues.