
Membership Process

Start Your Application Process Today

Thank you for your interest in joining Third District VFC. To get started, please complete the inquiry form. From there, you can learn more about Third District VFC's available volunteer positions and the qualifications needed to become a member.

We have many volunteer opportunities available. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

  1. Once candidates complete the interest form, our Membership Chair will make contact within 48 hours, discuss qualifications and expectations, and send an official application.

  2. Please bring your completed membership application to the department in person. The Membership Chair will then:
    • Review and schedule an initial one-on-one meeting with the candidate.
    • Initiate background and reference checks
    • Recommend application approval/ disapproval to the Board of Directors
  3. The Board of Directors Meeting takes place on the last Tuesday of the month. Candidates are invited to attend and will conduct a second informal interview with the Board of Directors. Approved candidates will attend the Membership Meeting and Station Training Night, which takes place on Wednesday evenings.

  4. Candidates who attend the Membership Meeting will conduct a third informal interview with the general membership. If the membership application is approved, new members will:
    • Begin a 6-month probationary period.
    • Be assigned a mentor (Officer).
    • Be fitted for gear.
  5. All new members will meet with the Fire Chief & President within two weeks of membership approval to review expectations and establish a training schedule.